
We are still in the process of implementing and releasing PyChoco. So currently the only way to install it and try it is to follow the entire build-from-source process. However, we plan to release pre-built Python wheels for various operating systems. Stay tuned!

Installation from PyPI

We automatically build 64-bit wheels for Python versions 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 on Linux, Windows and MacOSX. They can be directly downloaded from PyPI ( or using pip:

$ pip install pychoco

Build from source

The following system dependencies are required to build PyChco from sources:

Once these dependencies are satisfied, clone the current repository:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

The –recurse-submodules is necessary as the choco-solver-capi is a separate git project included as a submodule (see It contains all the necessary to compile Choco-solver as a shared native library using GraalVM native-image.

Ensure that the $JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointing to GraalVM, and from the cloned repository execute the following command:

$ sh

This command will compile Choco-solver into a shared native library and compile the Python bindings to this native API using SWIG.

Finally, run:

$ pip install .

And voilà !